Hi, I’m Jennifer Varino, a writer, manager, producer and artist.

Remember when you were little and everything was new? I haven't lost that sense of adventure and use it to approach my work. My love of wearing many hats means I bring different perspectives to whatever I'm tackling.

Let’s talk about your challenge! 

recently IN the media

  • Did you know about the face-off between British and Mardi Gras royalty? Go back in time with this piece.

  • Work for me has never before included sweating in a sauna and swimming in a fjord with people from around the world. It was exactly that for doing this sauna master profile that is part of a coastal job series.

  • My article about United Books of America recommends six books from some attention-starved states as a way to kick-off participation in this de-polarization project.

Calling all norwegians

Vikings (and those based in Norway) still have a desire to make their mark in the world. I help them on that journey.

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 creative projects

Innovative social change projects and work that requires my own opinion to be visible make life a bit more fun.

See some examples →