It all started when.... 


A long time ago I decided that advertising was the most creative profession that allowed people to actually make money. While you could debate whether that's true, that belief led to a journalism degree with an advertising focus and a minor in sociology and then to more than two decades of on-the-ground work in marketing communications. 

Keeping it exciting

Over that time, I've been on the team of a fashion designer, a teen magazine, a B2C ad agency, a B2B PR & communications firm, a global television media network, a social science research network and more.

Today, I'm based in Oslo, Norway. As an American abroad, I find the outsider perspective has strengthened my ability to put myself in the shoes of different people, whether they’re a customer or other audience. And that’s nothing but a benefit to both work and play. 

My LinkedIn profile gives somewhat of an overview of this journey.